
Capitol Quartet - Flight of the Bumble Bee .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Portugeuse Sweet Bread

I've made this delicious bread before. The texture is great and it was very good warm.I though it was absolutely savory when toasted with cinnamon and butter. This bread tasted very sweet. although I couldn't taste the nutmeg in it I could smell it. The crust is very crunch on this bread when it is fresh out of the oven.

One thing I would recommend is only let this bread raise 30 minutes instead of 45. I found that it puffs up in the oven alot---Unless this is how you like your bread of course! I found it very hard to cut when it was so big on top compared to the bottom and ended up sort of squishing the bread--Oooops! Also this bread gets very brown crust; you might want to watch it as it gets closer to getting done.

If you watch the video I made below you will be able to get the recipe. An easy bread to make for all levels of bakers! Enjoy!

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